When you decide to enhance the volume and fullness of your breasts, you may have many questions about what to expect from your surgical procedure and the best ways to prepare. During your initial consultation, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell will sit down with you and thoroughly review the best practices you can implement at home to ensure you have a smooth recovery and results that you will love for many years to come.
Reach out to Your Girlfriend the Plastic Surgeon to learn more about breast augmentation preparation and surgery in Troy.
Breast augmentation surgery in Troy requires adequate preparation. The first step on your transformational journey is scheduling your initial consultation with Dr. DeLuca-Pytell. During this personalized, one-on-one session, we will review the surgical procedure and what to expect, how best to prepare for your surgery, expected recovery and downtime, and how to best maintain your results.
Additionally, during this visit, our surgical team will review the best surgical approach for your needs including what size, shape, and type of breast implant you should opt for as well as where your incision should be placed. Dr. DeLuca-Pytell will also let you know if there are any additional procedures you could consider to achieve your aesthetic goals such as a breast lift if you wish to address sagging in addition to increasing volume or a mommy makeover to combine multiple surgeries if you are considering a more comprehensive body transformation.
Once we have your breast augmentation strategy in place, we can begin helping you prepare for the big day.
Before your breast augmentation procedure in Troy, as with any surgery, it is necessary for you to quit smoking and refrain from drinking alcohol and partaking in any other harmful recreational substances that could interfere with your body’s ability to undergo and recover from the surgery. You will also be advised to avoid taking certain herbal supplements up to two weeks before your surgery. These might include (but are not limited to) St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, garlic, and green tea extract. Additionally, you will be required to stop using blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin, Motrin, and Advil.
We must ensure your body is ready for the surgery and recovery process with a clinical assessment before your procedure. You will be required to undergo blood work. For some patients–especially if you are over the age of 40–we may also require you to medical clearance.
For optimal results, be sure to follow a healthy, nutritious diet, drink lots of water, and stay hydrated. You may want to prepare and freeze meals ahead of time. If necessary, make arrangements for childcare and pet care during this time as well. On the day of your surgery be sure to arrange for a ride to and from the surgery center and have someone who can help you with certain tasks for the first few days.
Following these recommendations, as well as any personalized guidance and information given to you by Dr. DeLuca-Pytell will ensure your body is in the right condition, and ready for the procedure on surgery day and will also give you the best chances of a smooth recovery.
If you have any additional questions about your breast augmentation preparation and surgery in Troy, connect with our clinical team today. We would be delighted to help.
Please take a look at the upcoming events hosted by Your Girlfriend the Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell. We look forward to seeing you there!