Buccal Fat Pad Reduction in Troy

Buccal Fat Pad Reduction in Troy

Buccal fat pad reduction has taken the celebrity and social media worlds by storm. This procedure reduces the fat pads between your cheek and jawbones, creating a sleeker face without the “chipmunk” effect. The result is that your face appears more contoured and defined.

Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell is a board-certified plastic surgeon who understands the art and science of facial surgery. She can refine your facial structure to appear slimmer and more proportionate– helping you become your most attractive self. Contact our office today to discover more about buccal fat pad reduction in Troy.

The Buccal Fat Pad Reduction Procedure

Buccal fat pad reduction is done under general anesthesia either as a standalone procedure or in combination with other facial surgery.

Dr. DeLuca-Pytell begins the surgery by creating small incisions inside the mouth, exposing the buccal fat pads. She reduces these fat pads to slim down your cheeks and enhance your facial structure. The size of these fat pads depends on the person, and this procedure may not be ideal for people who do not have excess fat or tissue on their face.

After safely removing the buccal fat pads, Dr. DeLuca-Pytell closes the incisions with sutures that should dissolve naturally over time. During your initial consultation, our Troy team will review these steps and answer any of your questions about buccal fat pad reduction to ensure you feel prepared for your procedure.

Buccal Fat Removal Aftercare and Recovery

You should prepare to take an entire day off work for your buccal fat pad reduction procedure. This surgery typically takes between one to two hours, and you will be able to go home after being monitored by our medical team.

Before your buccal fat pad reduction, our team will explain the steps you should take to take care of yourself and your results post-procedure. These instructions may include:

  • Using a special antibacterial mouthwash to prevent infection
  • Following a liquid diet and then a soft foods diet as your incisions heal
  • Attending follow-up appointments as scheduled

Be sure to follow these instructions carefully for optimal recovery. While individual results vary, patients in Troy take approximately three to six weeks to fully heal from a buccal fat pad reduction. You may experience swelling, bruising, or numbness that should fade over time. Your final results will be visible a few months after your procedure. Should you have any concerns during the recovery process, do not hesitate to call our office or schedule a follow-up appointment.

Accentuate Your Cheekbones With A Buccal Fat Pad Reduction Procedure in Troy

Many patients have approached us looking to highlight their cheekbones and contour their faces. Buccal fat pad reduction is a popular procedure that can help you achieve that gorgeous runway look. Your face will naturally lose fat as you age, however, and excess fat removal could lead to a gaunt or worn appearance down the line. Finding a plastic surgeon who understands facial anatomy is essential to achieve results you can enjoy for years to come.

Dr. DeLuca-Pytell is proud to bring her experience as a patient to her work helping others restore their confidence. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, she offers a range of surgical and non-surgical facial procedures. Book your consultation today to learn more about buccal fat pad reduction in Troy.

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