Pregnancy is amazing, but it can take a toll on your midsection. You may find it difficult to look into the mirror to see yourself as you were before. You have exercised and dieted faithfully to lose weight after pregnancy, but it just has not been enough.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell, known as Your Girlfriend the Plastic Surgeon®, could take those unwelcome postpartum abdominal changes and turn them back into the shape you remember. She could help you regain a flat abdomen with toned muscles and tight skin.
Surgical removal of loose abdominal skin and correction of separated muscles is known as abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck.” Women commonly have the procedure after pregnancy, but men and patients who have undergone weight-loss surgery can also benefit from tummy tucks, especially after having lost a large amount of weight.
In addition to removing excess fat and skin, tummy tuck surgery can also restore separated muscles to sculpt a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. Even though tummy tucks yield a stable surgical result, a new pregnancy or weight shift after surgery may alter a patient’s results. The tummy tuck does not expressly solve stretch mark issues, but some stretch marks may disappear by removing those necessary areas of lax skin.
A surgical incision made with a full tummy tuck is slightly longer than the incision in a mini tummy tuck. With a full tummy tuck, because all of the abdominal skin is redistributed for maximum skin removal, there will be a scar around the navel.
A mini tummy tuck is less extensive than a full tummy tuck and is done with a slightly smaller incision. This tummy tuck is better suited to patients who have little excess skin to be removed and abdominal muscles that have not been damaged by strain, weight of pregnancy, or excessive general weight loss. With a mini tummy tuck, there is no need for a belly button scar. During your consultation, you and Dr. DeLuca-Pytell can decide which type of tummy tuck is best for you.
When you want to know whether a full or mini tummy tuck is best for you, bring your questions to Dr. DeLuca-Pytell. She will listen to your concerns and take the time to ensure you feel confident in your decision.
Dr. DeLuca-Pytell will give you all the information you need to make your choice and personalized recommendations to help you achieve the desired results. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Please take a look at the upcoming events hosted by Your Girlfriend the Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell. We look forward to seeing you there!